Why You Should Use A Professional Contractor For Stucco Repair
Stucco is a popular material for interior and exterior homes. This is especially true in warmer or tropical climates. Stucco can become damaged due to weather issues and water damage. This can result in cracks and breaks in the stucco. When this starts to happen you will need to perform stucco repair. Though there are kits for do-it-yourself repairs, you should consider a professional contractor instead. Here are some reasons why a professional contractor may be the ideal option.
Underlying Issues
When you handle a stucco repair on your own, you likely will focus on the removal of the damaged stucco and its replacement. Though this will patch the stucco or replace the issue, it will not cover what caused the issue. If there is damage underneath the stucco, you may overlook it. If there is water damage, you may not have the tools to make a full repair. If you use a professional contractor, they will focus on the underlying issues before they begin the repair. This will ensure there is a reduced chance of further damage or weakening of the stucco.
Larger Areas
Many patch kits that are for do-it-yourself stucco repair tend to be patch kits. This means they are created to handle small areas of damage and to patch those cracks or damage. When you use a professional service, you can ensure that regardless of the size of the repair, you can manage the repair space. Contractors are prepared for smaller repairs or for full wall repairs. They can handle most of the stucco repairs they come in contact with and have the tools and equipment on hand to make the repairs quickly.
Proper Mix-Ins
In order to create the stucco look you want, you need not only the right mortar but also the right mix-ins. The mix-ins help to define the stucco and texture of the wall. When you attempt to handle this on your own, you may not receive the proper mix or you may find the mortar no longer holds together well. A professional contractor knows which mix-ins are ideal and the amount that should be mixed with mortar to give you the right texture and the right consistency.
If you are experiencing stucco damage, ongoing stucco issues, or the need for large repairs contact your area contractor. They can schedule an appointment to assess the damage and determine what repairs should occur. They can also discuss the repairs with you and how you want to proceed. If you decide to move ahead with the repairs, they will schedule a day to begin.