Dealing With A Wet Basement? Tips To Help You Avoid Problems

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If your home inspection identified wet basement issues, it's time to talk to a contractor. A wet basement can spell disaster for your home. Basement moisture increases the risk of mold growth and wood rot. If the moisture soaks into the concrete, you can also end up with foundation damage. That's why you need to call a contractor. A contractor can make improvements to your home to reduce the risk of getting a wet basement. If you're not sure what to do about a wet basement, read the list below. Here are four steps that can help you avoid basement moisture issues.  


If your home inspection uncovered a wet basement, now's the time to add a new drainage system. That's especially important if water is coming from outside sources. The right drainage system can keep water away from your home and out of the basement. French drains will route water away from your home. That way, you can use the water for landscape irrigation. 


If you want to prevent further basement moisture, installing gutters can help. A failed basement inspection can increase your home insurance rates. But, a failed inspection can also derail the sale of your home. That's why you need to take action to resolve the issue right away. That's where gutters come into the picture. Gutters keep water out of your basement by routing runoff away from the foundation of your home. Gutters also allow you to collect rainwater for use in other areas of the yard. 


If you failed a home inspection due to a wet basement, it's time to have your contractor install a sump pump system. Water problems don't always come from outside. Sometimes basement wetness comes from ruptured water lines or broken washing machines. That's where sump pumps become beneficial. Sump pumps stop the flooding that starts inside your basement. That way, you can avoid wet basement issues altogether. 


If you're building your home, you can take steps to stop basement wetness before a problem arises. One way to do that is to ensure the right slope in your yard. You might not realize this, but the wrong slope increases the risk of flooding. Water can flow toward your house when the soil slope goes in the wrong direction. Luckily, you can avoid wet basement issues by getting the right slope. 

Don't let a wet basement destroy your home. Talk to a contractor about the solutions described here. 
